Riptides and Ridgelines

Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch (maybe Teach?) Tie-Dye Tee

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Size: XS

Color: Blue


1680’s-ish, maybe in Bristol, England


1718, Ocracoke Island, North Carolina

Rolled with:       

Benjamin Hornigold; John “Callico Jack” Rackham; Sam Bellamy

Pirate Home:     

Maybe in the Southern English Colonies (North Carolina, South Carolina, etc.)


Either stabbed or shot while boarding Robert Maynard’s sloop Jane


There is no evidence that Edward Thatch (Teach?) ever took another man’s life.  Legit.  He was a super non-violent dude (until he began going mad from syphilis).  The Robin Hood of the West Indies, if you please.  The guy freed hundreds of African slaves. He then gave them the option to simply “be free” and go about their business, or to join his crew, which most did.  Every man who chose to stay as a part of his crew, received an equal voice.  They were paid the same as everyone else and they were given a place to call home as a freeman.  It’s been shoved down our throats that pirates were murderous criminals.  Why?  Well, because they were ENGLISH slaves that the pirates were “stealing”.  Blackbeard was freeing English slaves and they wanted him hanged for it because it was costing England a fortune.  Seriously.  No shit.  #TheHistoryTheyWantUsToKnow       

100% Pre-shrunk heavy weight cotton.