God Bless The Standard

Regardless of your background, resist the decline in resilience by upholding uncompromising, high standards in your life and in the institutions you belong to. -S


Shout-out to the CAS community.

Thank y'all.

Get your "Hogging" Tee Here

"Do you think you could overnight me some shit? I'm getting ready to head OCONUS and R/R is all I can fucking wear now." -A Sailor

"Thank you for making clothes for people who don't like wearing clothes. First shirts I've ever owned that don't make my skin crawl."

-Amanda L.

Mother/Firefighter/MMA Fighter

"The most comfortable crew I have ever worn, it's actually insannneee!"

-A Sailor, who is somewhere cold.

"Ey, this is a special what's happenin' to all my, all my soldiers over there in Iraq. Everybody right here, what you need to do is be thankful for the life you got, you know what I'm sayin? Stop lookin' at what you ain't got and start being thankful for what you do got."

T.I. - "Live Your Life"

Veteran Owned and Operated - ALL of us

There's about 45 years of good and solid, my lower back will never be the same, served between the three of us - and too many deployments to count. Add another 25 or so years, if you're including our beautiful spouses. Thank you to all of our brothers and sisters who have and are now serving, and especially to those who are still down-range. First drink is on us. See you soon. Special shout-out to you two in Coronado, who will be there soon. Be safe. Love you guys.

(photo: U.S. Marine recruits being sworn in during WWI, circa 1918)